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How to Recover Files that You Deleted by Accident?

Audrey 2021-02-07 16:32:08 Page View: 5,271

Some of us are used to cleaning up computer data frequently to get the computer running in a healthy way. But sometimes we may deleted useful files mistakenly. What to do if you delete useful files by mistake? Here are some useful guides that will help you recover deleted files from a Windows computer.

1. Recover from Recycle

If you find you just deleted something useful, the first effective way is to recover it from the Recycle Bin. Just right-click on the found files and choose recover to restore the file to its original location. Or you can drag the file to the folder or location you hope to save.

2. Recover from the file registry

If you’ve already cleared up the Recycle Bin or permanently deleted the files from the Recycle Bin, you still can recover it from the file registry.

Step 1: Press the Windows button and R key on your key board to popup the “Run”dialog. Insert “regedit”and confirm to launch the file registry.

Step 2: In Registry Editor, go to the following location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SOFTWARE>> Windows>> CurrentVersion>> Explorer>>DeskTop>>NameSpace

Righ-click on “NameSpace”, choose “New”and “Key”. And then rename the new key as “{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E”.

recover deleted files

Step 3: Double click on the “Default” string and set the Data into “Recycle Bin”. Restart your computer to recover the files back to Recycle Bin.

3. Recover deleted files with RecoverXData

If you deleted the files with“Shift+Delete”, there will be no more ways to recover except some data recovery files like RecoverXData. Here are the tips to recover permanent deleted files with RecoverXData.

Step 1: Search “RecoverXData” on Google and download RecoverXData from its official website. Choose the right recovery scene accordingly. Here we choose “Recovery for deleted data”.

recover deleted files

Step 2: Choose the original location where the file was saved and start scanning. Choose the recovered files and recover.

recover deleted files

And now you got the three easy and effective ways to recover files you deleted by accident. And the easiest way is to scan with the Free RecoverXData to check if you can find your lost data and recover as soon as possible. The earlier you recover the lost files, the less chance you got the original files replaced by other data.

The earlier the data is scanned, the more data will be recovered.

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